the future with over a
century of pride!

United We Stand - God Bless the USA

Welcome To TCU's 
First World Wide Web Union Site
Celebrating Our 29th Year Online
1996 - 2024

TCU now affiliated
with IAM

Members Library

New Transfer Positions for Carmen...Details

Lodge 6760 History
1892 - 2024

Membership Links


2022 National Agreement
Available in the Library

TCU Online Library

Carmen Division
National Officers

Lodge News

Collective Bargaining

International Membership

Our Boycott List

Health & Welfare Benefits

TCU History

Lodge 6760 Archives

Brotherhood Railway Carmen History
First 50 Years

Union & Railroad

TCU Designated Counsel


Federal Agencies

Association of American Railroads

Federal Railroad Administration

U.S. Department of Transportation

U.S. Railroad Retirement Board

Surface Transportation Board

National Transportation Safety Board

U.S. Department of Labor

National Mediation Board



Federal Rail Safety Act
Informational Guide for Railroad Employees

FRSA Highlights
Courtesy of
Farris, Riley & Pitt

Federal Employers' Liability Act

Rail Employees' Protection Brochure - Download

The Federal Register

Congressional Action 

Railroad Publication Manuals



Rail Unions on the Web

Kevin Hite presents award to former Local Chairman
Read the Story


Former Lodge 6760 Local Chairman Steve Wilhelm Appointed to Chief Of Saff at TCU Headquarters... Details


Lodge 6047 Local Chairman Carl Lakin Promoted to Assistant National Representative...
Read the Story

Revised Procedures for Norfolk Southern Employees Returning to Work. Details in the Members' Library


Steve Wilhelm elected Chairman of IAM Veterans Services Steering Committee


Social Media








Read Local Chairman James Ramey's Guide Regarding Discipline and Arbitration Process in the Members Library 


Steve Wilhelm Promoted to TCU/IAM Chief of Staff...


Chris Hiser Becomes Lodge 6760's 20th President

I am proud to represent our lodge as your president. I fully understand the frustrations and challenges we are facing in the rail industry. I often hear what does the union do for me? Let me ask you what have you done for your union? You and I are the union and we are stronger together.  I've been active in the union for over 15 years holding various offices. I do my best to represent and fight for us all. Reach out to me anytime. Although we may not get the desired results you will get the attention and fight we all deserve.

Lodge President Chris Hiser


Heartland Lodge 6760 Bylaws have been amended and approved. View the 2024 revised lodge bylaws in the Members Library


How Freight Rail Is Courting Catastrophe


James Ramey Becomes the 14th Local Chairman of
Lodge 6760

Our Brotherhood Railway Carmen Division of TCU was founded at Cedar Rapids, Iowa on October 27, 1888. The first By-Laws were adopted at Joint Convention in Topeka, Kansas, September 1890. Our union has merged with other railway unions five times. In July 1987, Convention action re-named the union Transportation Communications International Union (TCU) effective October 1, 1987. The Brotherhood Railway Carmen is a division of the TCU. The most recent merger was January 1, 2012, TCU Merged with International Association of Machinist and is the Railroad Division of that union. Review the Brotherhood Railway Carmen first 50-year history.

The Union we call TCU/IAM today took root back in 1899 when, on a cold winter's evening shortly after Christmas, 33 railroad clerks gathered in the back room of Behrens' cigar shop in Sedalia, Missouri. That night, December 29, they formed Local Lodge Number 1 of a union they named the Order of Railroad Clerks of America. Today our range is extensive and complex, on and off the railroads throughout the transportation industry. But the union still runs on those same simple principles of democracy and full membership participation.

Welcome Message

TCU National Headquarters:

located outside of Washington, D.C. at:
3 Research Place
Rockville, Maryland 20850
Telephone 301-948-4910 
Fax 301-948-1369

Union dues payments and inquiries should be sent to Korey Jones, Financial Secretary-Treasurer.

Heartland Lodge's mailing address is:
TCU/IAM Lodge 6760
4220 Cedar Street
New Boston, Ohio 45662

Look for the Union Label
Please buy American products
 and support organized labor

Annual RRB Investment Trust Report
North American Railroads  
Register to Vote

2024 Railroad Retirement Rates



Last Meeting September 27, 2024

There are no membership meetings in July, as stated in the Lodge Bylaws

Next Meeting
Monday, October 28, 2024, at 6:30 PM, EDT. This will be an online meeting using the Zoom platform.


Korey Jones appointed Recording Secretary and Financial Secretary-Treasurer of Lodge 6760

Past President Phil Amadon honored for his dedication to the Lodge



TCU Assistant National Representative Steve Wilhelm is honored for his service to TCU



In Memory

 of our Sisters, Brothers and family members who recently reached eternal paradise

Robert M. Dillman
Keith Pierce
Richard E. Burwell

J.V. Waller
Richard Webb, II
Richard Leon La Vigne
Susan Jane Adams
Donald D. Brennan
Pauline M. Clark
C. John Pequignot
Lowell D. Wheeler
Marion E. Wilhelm
Bradley Alan Baker
Irvin A. Friedman
Blake Bowman

Robert E. Pless, Sr.
Roger Bowling
Paul K. Jackson
Paul A. Gunkel, Jr.
Joey Dean Thomas
Ella May Jones
Joe Carroll
Steve Brownfield
Richard J. Keeley
Phillip C. Roe
David A. Reed
David P. Fancher
Jacob M. Dillow
Rennald J. Worman








Brother Chris Pierce for your years of dedication as Local Chairman and President of Lodge 6760. Under your direction our members have earned respect in the work place and have been represented with care, compassion and the highest form of quality of this brotherhood 2014 - 2020.


2024 Railroad Retirement COLA for retired members increase 3.2% on Tier I and 1.0% on Tier II

Lodge 6760 is a member of Unit 410 of the Carmen Division of TCU. Lodge 6760 was originally formed as Brotherhood Railway Carmen of America Lodge 67 in Fort Wayne, Indiana in December 1892. The lodge became inactive during the period of company run unions. In January 1936 the lodge received a new charter as Fort Wayne Lodge 760 under the leadership of Henry R. Martin. The lodge number and name were changed again in 1986 as a result of the formation of TCU under the terms of the BRC-BRAC merger. In 2012 the Lodge name was changed again to Heartland Lodge to more accurately reflect the four-state jurisdiction of the lodge. In 2014, Lodge 6760 represented over 500 members, employed on three railroads in Michigan, Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky. Regular meetings are held monthly, excluding July, at one of the various cities of the lodge. On May 14, 2024, the name of the lodge was changed again to recognize the service and successes achieved during the nine-term tenure of Local Chairman Steve Pequignot. With the approval of the lodge membership and TCU National President the lodge was renamed Steven L. Pequignot Heartland Lodge 6760 Brotherhood of Railway Carmen Transportation Communication Union International Association of Machinists affiliated with the AFL-CIO.

Wabash Memorial Hospital Association has terminate Services Effective January 1, 2023...Details

Next Lodge Meeting

The next  Heartland Lodge 6760 meeting will be Monday, October 28, 2024. The meeting will be held online using the Zoom Platform and called to order at 6:30 PM, EDT. All members who have registered their email addresses with the lodge will receive an invitation. Other members who wish to attend the meeting should contact their Vice Local Chairman, or Lodge President Chris Hiser for  access information.



Fraternally yours,

Chris Hiser
Vice Local Chairman
Lodge 6760

TCU National President Artie Maratea's July 29, 2022 Statement Regarding PEB 250 Available Here

2022 Grand Lodge Convention Review

2014 Grand Lodge Convention Review

2011 Unit 200 Educational Seminar at Chattanooga. . . Details

2009 Lodge Educational Seminar at Fort Wayne. . . Details

2008 Lodge Educational Seminar at Portsmouth. . .

The 2024 Machinists Non-Partisan Political League (MNPL) Campaign has begun

Read Steve Wilhelm's fund raising letter then join MNPL today.  

Members can join MNPL by printing the online form or by contacting the Local Chairman for more information.

The objects of this organization are to carry out the purposes and motives of our International Grand Lodge, and to further the interests of organized labor.


BRC Division founded in 1888

Lodge 6760 Officers

Keep informed, attend your next union meeting

Past President Phil Amadon hosts
Boiling Point on
WAIF 88.3 FM       Talk Radio

Thursdays 3 PM  - 4 PM

Lodge 6760 is proud to be represented by strong union officers. On behalf of the lodge we extend our appreciation to these officers for their hard work and dedication to the union movement.

Chris Hiser, President
Adam Starnes, Vice President
James Ramey, Local Chairman
Korey Jones, Recording Secretary, Financial Secretary-Treasurer
Phil Bunch, Chairman Board of Trustees
James Seth, Board of Trustees Member
Cliff Jameson, Board of Trustees Member

Lodge 6760 Detroit
District News

by Michael Bleser

Lodge 6760 Portsmouth
District News


Lodge 6760 Fort Wayne
District News

Lodge 6760 Cincinnati
District News
along with recent
retirements of Brothers
George Fry
Dave Service, and
Scott Iles

Your district news could be linked here...Contact the Webmaster

Planning to retire soon?
Read our step-by-step Guide To Retirement
in the Online Library

Voluntary Permanent Transfer Agreement for NS Carmen... Details in our Online Library

The members of Lodge 6760 give thanks to our officers, for their dedication in preserving equality and respect in the workplace


Off Work? It's important
to know how long your health care benefits will last. . . Details


Support our troops,
pray for their safety


Thank you readers for our busiest day ever, on December 3, 2011 we had 6,314 visitors

Now you can find us on your smart phone or tablet by scanning our QR Code


VISIT - our Union and Railroad Memorabilia page, check it out

Join the Union Wall


Arial View of Our Terminals


Welcome New Members

August 2024
Michael Cantv

July 2024
Brandon Vaughn
Mathew Goebel
Mike Vexo

April 2024
Samuel Kirk

March 2024
  Josh Lindsay
Jeremiah Gifford
Alyssa Bryan

February 2024
Eric Timberlake
Donovan Roe
Jordan Cline
Kyle Williams

January 2024
Christopher Archibald
Brandon Richmond
Teri Stewart

December 2023
James Mowery

October 2023
Seantez Geter
Mason Sammons

August 2023

Eric Wierenga
Adam Mallah

TCU is Family:
Disaster Relief Fund Helps two Lodge 6760 Members...
Read the Story



Thank you Jameson McKnight for serving Lodge 6760 as Recording Secretary from October 2013 until November 1, 2021 and also holding the office of Financial Secretary-Treasurer from December 2018 through November 1, 2021. The Lodge, its officers and members wish you well in your new career.

Historical Documents

  Thank you Brother Kevin Mitchell for your years of dedicated service as Local Chairman of Lodge 6760. You have served your union sisters and brothers proudly, 2009 - 2014.

History of the first 75 years of the Railroad Retirement Board

Brotherhood Railway Carmen History - First 50 Years

The IAM recognizes this is a stressful time for many IAM Veterans due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

The IAM Employee Assistance and Addiction Services Program stands ready to assist Veterans and their families during this tough period.

IAM is asking all veterans to fill out the online contact information form, so that the IAM can be there when you need them most!


Friendship, Unity & True Brotherly Love!

God Bless America!

This Union made website is administered by the officers of Lodge 6760 at no cost to our members or our International Grand Lodge.
Published by Heartland Lodge 6760 
Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA, July 4, 1996
Version 24.10.1
Steven Pequignot, Webmaster
Copyright © 1996 - 2024
Website hosting courtesy of
Steven Pequignot, Lodge member since 1967

If you have feedback, share an interest in organized labor, or would like link information from this site to your union related page, send an email to our Lodge President, Local Chairman, or Webmaster